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Atlantis Media is a production company whose main business is the production of sports broadcasts from different sports and for different platforms. We also produce other video productions and events in cooperation with our partners. As a newest addition to our services is Social Media content service to help out small businesses to get professional posts in social media, but with low costs.

Feel free to contact us, and we will find the right package for your needs.



Atlantis Media on tehnyt sopimuksen yhteistyökumppaninsa kanssa näyttävästä valokalustosta tapahtumiin vuokrattavaksi! Laitteet vuokrataan joko pelkkä laitteisto tai avaimet käteen periaatteella. Kalusto sisältää tällä hetkellä:

Käytössämme on:

- 2 kpl 300 W LED-seurantavaloheittimiä himmennyksellä, värinvalinnalla sekä     

  värilämpötilan säädöllä (2700 - 8000 K).
- LED-par spotteja telineillä. Valoissa valittavissa kaikki värit sekä himmennys.
- Tabletipohjainen valojenohjausjärjestelmä.

Valokalustoa on tulossa vielä lisää loppu vuoden aikana. Kysy lisää ja tuodaan sinunkin tilaisuuteen hieman lisää WAU efektiä upealla valaisulla!



The Finnish Ringetteliitto ry chose Atlantis Media as the 2024 Ringettemedia. The union's press release comments on the selection as follows:

Atlantis Media has been a media partner of the Finnish Ringetteliito for a long time. It can be said that the level of video production of Ringete's domestic main series has risen primarily as a result of the example set by Atlantis Media and its principle of continuous development. Atlantis Media has constantly brought new development elements to the production and thus raised Ringette's main events to a level where the best features of the sport are also conveyed to the audience who come to ringette for the first time.

Many thanks to the association for the trust in these years and at the same time a big thanks to everyone who has been along the way making Ringette LIVE broadcasts. It's wonderful to continue into the next season, which is also the 15th anniversary season of Ringette LIVE!


In the fall of 2010, the Ringete World Championships were organized in Hakametsä hall in Tampere. RIngette LIVE broadcasts started from those games and since then there have been broadcasts from every season, for the last 14 seasons. The upcoming season is indeed the 15th season and it is necessary to celebrate it!

Follow Atlantis Media's Instagram so you don't miss any information. More info about the upcoming season coming at the end of August!

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